Saudi Standards, Metrology and quality organization (SASO) logo

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) commenced implementing the requirements of technical regulations for small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.


The regulation will be mandatorily applied to solar panels, inverter, assembly box, and other solar products and systems, SASO said in a statement.


The regulation has specified a number of safety requirements, including firefighting, electromagnetic compatibility in solar energy systems, electrical safety requirements and requirements for protection of components of solar PV systems.


It sought to evaluate the conformity of these products to ensure that they adhere to the Saudi standard specifications, maintain the health and safety of the consumer, and contribute to the protection of the environment.


SASO requires suppliers and manufacturers to obtain the National Conformity Certificate (IECEE) before allowing it to be traded in the markets, as well as registering it on Saber e-platform, in addition to having a data card that enables the consumer to see all product details, usage guidelines, and warnings.


The regulation prohibits the manufacture, import, display and advertising of products that do not conform to its terms, as this entails applying the regular procedures against violators, including the cancellation of the relevant certificate of conformity, and taking the necessary measures with the accepted issuer.


The organization stressed that failure of the product to meet this regulation would be sufficient reason for market survey authorities and regulators to rule that this product does not conform to its terms, in four cases.


The cases include failure or incorrect installation of conformity badges, Saudi quality mark or equivalents, failure to issue a certificate of conformity or incorrect approval of the supplier, lack or incomplete technical documents, and the absence or incompleteness of the illustrations or usage guidelines.


The Ministry of Energy announced, on Feb. 2, the readiness of small-scale solar PV systems to produce electricity for consumers’ houses and enterprises, to be later connected to the Kingdom’s grid, according to data available in Argaam.

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