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Abdulmohsen Alhokair Group for Tourism and Development announced that all its entertainment centers inside and outside the commercial complexes, restaurants, cinemas and cafes owned by the group and its joint ventures in Saudi Arabia will be closed, as of today, Sunday, Feb. 14, 10 pm for 20 more days, which can be extended. 


All events, celebrations and wedding halls and meeting rooms will be suspended for 20 more days, with a possible extension, according to a bourse statement.


The company is in the process of evaluating the relevant financial impact and any developments in this regard will be announced later.


Saudi Arabia announced yesterday extending COVID-19 restrictions for 20 more days starting Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021, night on gatherings, events and dining services, according to the Ministry of Interior. The decision came in line with the authorities’ efforts to curb the pandemic outbreak in the Kingdom, which has seen a spike in new cases in recent weeks.


Earlier this month, Alhokair Group announced closing all its entertainment centers and facilities for 10 days, Argaam reported.

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