Introduction Reference to Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” announcement, dated 05/12/2022 corresponding to 11/05/1444 H, on the invitation of its shareholders to attend the ordinary general assembly meeting (first meeting) through means of modern technology, the Company announces the amendment of the date of the ordinary general assembly meeting (first meeting) through means of modern technology to be held on Monday 02/01/2023 corresponding to 09/06/1444 H at 6:30 pm.
Date of Posting the Previous Announcement of Development on Tadawul's Website 2022-12-05 Corresponding to 1444-05-11
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement Click Here
Change on the Development - Postponement of the date of the ordinary general assembly meeting (first meeting) from Sunday 25/12/2022 corresponding to 01/06/1444H to be on Monday 02/01/2023 corresponding to 09/06/1444H at 6:30 pm.



- Shareholders are able to electronically vote on agenda items through the services of Tadawulaty starting from Thursday 29/12/2022 corresponding to 05/06/1444 H at 01:00 a.m. until the end of the ordinary general assembly meeting time, and the electronic voting mechanism is available with no cost for.

all shareholders through the following link: (https://www.tadawulaty.com.sa).


- General Assembly Meeting Agenda:

Vote to elect the members of the Board of Directors from among the candidates in the two newly created seats, starting from the date of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting on 09/06/1444 H corresponding to 02/01/2023 until the end of the current Board of Directors term on 20/10/1444 H Corresponding to 10/05/2023.


(Resumes of the candidates are attached)

Financial Impact on the change Not Applicable
Additional Information (Resumes of the candidates are attached)
Attached Documents    

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