IHR named Adel Al-Jarbou new Chairman as Al-Qafari steps down

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International Human Resources Co.'s (IHR) board of directors approved on Jan. 24, the resignation of Chairman Yusef Al-Qafari (non-executive member) due to personal circumstances, with immediate effect.


The board named Adel Al-Jarbou as new Chairman (non-executive), starting from Jan. 24, the company said in a statement to Tadawul.


Al-Muhannad bin Khalid Al-Shathri was also appointed as Vice-Chairman (non-executive).


The resignation of board member, Saleh Al-Anzi (non-executive) was also accepted with immediate effect, for personal reasons, provided. Al-Anzi was replaced by Badr bin Khalid Al-Shathri (non-executive), as of Jan. 24, IHR added.


Al-Shathri holds a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources and was a board member in several companies.


The board approval is not final. This appointment will be submitted in the upcoming shareholders’ meeting for approval.  

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