GCA launches updated strategy

Snapshot of GCA’s updated strategy launch ceremony

The General Court of Audit (GCA) launched today, Feb. 5, the updated strategy, new identity, and the latest version of the Electronic Audit System (Shamel 2.0), said GCA President, Hussam Alangari.


Alangari emphasized that the update of the strategy was in response to the significant transformations taking place in the Kingdom, aligning with the transition to an accrual-based accounting system as part of the Vision 2030 objectives.


The strategy reflects an ambitious vision and a clear message that underscores the GCA's pivotal role in promoting accountability, efficiency, and transparency.


GCA’s new identity reflects its strategic ambitions while maintaining its core values and its integral role in collaboration with the public sector, the president noted.


The GCA’s standing in international and regional organizations for supreme audit institutions was also highlighted.


The updated platform offers secure communication channels and advanced analytics using artificial intelligence (AI), enhancing the efficiency and reliability of the audit work conducted by the GCA.


Alangari also pointed out the activation of the Electronic Audit System (Shamel 2.0), an advanced digital platform that supports financial auditing, accrual-based accounting compliance, and performance oversight across more than 900 entities under its audit coverage, all in an automated manner.

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