Saudi Arabia and Russia will establish a $1 billion energy investment fund, which will be finalized during King Salman’s visit to Moscow this week, Russian energy minister Alexander Novak told Al Arabiya.


“We are working on a number of agreements and we will announce them during the visit,” Novak said.


The two top oil exporters are looking to strengthen cooperation in oil, gas, electricity, and renewable energy, he added.


King Salman will visit Moscow from Oct. 4-7, marking the first time a Saudi ruler has travelled to Russia in an official capacity. The visit aims to deepen bilateral relations and discuss geopolitical issues.  


Saudi Arabia and Russia have worked closely together over the past year to reach an agreement between OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers to cut global output and boost prices.


The Kingdom is expected to sign a number of memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with Russian companies during the visit, Reuters reported last week, citing sources in the energy sector.


Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Saudi Aramco) and Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC) will sign a memorandum of understanding with Russia's largest petrochemical producer Sibur Holding to discuss opportunities to build petrochemical plants in the two countries.


Other agreements, including a MoU between Saudi Aramco and Russia’s largest independent gas producer Novatek, are expected to be signed to explore investment opportunities in the gas sector.

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