Arriyadh Development Co.’s (ARDCO) shareholders are set to vote on a 33.33 percent capital hike to SAR 1.33 billion from SAR 1.78 billion through the issue bonus shares on May 2, 2019, the company said in a bourse statement.


Shareholders will also vote on an 8 percent cash dividend for the second half of 2019, at SAR 0.80 per share, amounting to SAR 106.67 million.


Key Figures of the Capital Hike

Current Capital

SAR 1.33 bln

Number of shares

133.33 mln

Hike (%)

33.33% (1 share for every 3 shares)

New Capital

SAR 1.78 bln

New number of shares

177.78 mln

Record date

General assembly meeting


To boost the company’s capital to match its business size and future plans.


Dividend Details (H2 2018)

Current Capital

SAR 1.33 bln

Number of shares

133.33 mln


SAR 106.67 mln

Percentage of capital

8% (SAR 0.80 per share)

Record date

General assembly meeting

Payment date

To be determined



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