SADAFCO shareholders approve 30% cash dividend for H2 FY20/21

13/07/2021 Argaam Exclusive

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Shareholders of Saudia Dairy and Foodstuff Co. (SADAFCO) approved a 30% cash dividend for the second half of fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, at SAR 3 share, amounting to SAR 96 million, during the extraordinary general meeting (EGM) held on July 12.


Dividend Details (H2 2020/21)

Current Capital

SAR 325 mln

Number of shares*

32.5 mln


SAR 96 mln

Percentage of capital

30% (SAR 3 per share)

Record date

July 12, 2021

Payment date

Aug. 5, 2021

*Number of shares entitled to dividends is 31.99 mln


Dividend Details (2020/21)


SAR 192 mln

Percentage of capital

60% (SAR 6 per share)


Shareholders also approved authorizing the board of directors to distribute interim dividends on a semi-annual or quarterly basis for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.

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Valuation Data (Latest Share Price)

P/E (TTM) 20.22
P/E Before Unusual Items (TTM) 20.56
P/BV 5.41
Dividend Yield 4.37 %
Market Cap. (M) 9,782.50
Return on Average Assets 17.77 %
Return on Average Equity 21.04 %
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