GIG board proposes 15% dividend for 2023

14/04/2024 Argaam Exclusive

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Gulf Insurance Group’s (GIG) board of directors recommended, on April 4, the payout of a 15% cash dividend, or SAR 1.5 per share, for 2023, according to a Tadawul statement.


Dividend Details (2023)

Current capital

SAR 525 mln

Number of shares

52.5 mln

Total dividend

SAR 78.75

Percentage of capital

15% (SAR 1.5/share)

Record date

Shareholders on the date of the general assembly, and those registered with Edaa at the close of the second trading day following the general assembly date, which will be announced later after obtaining regulatory approvals

Payment date

To be set later after obtaining EGM and related authorities’ approvals


The insurer stated that it obtained non-objection from the Insurance Authority (IA) on April 4. 


Dividend History (SAR/share) Corporate Actions

Announcement Ex-Dividend Payment Dividends
(M Riyal)
Dividends * Notes
14/04/2024 29/05/2024 30/06/2024 78.75 1.50
17/05/2023 18/06/2023 04/07/2023 25.00 0.48
17/03/2022 15/05/2022 02/06/2022 50.00 0.95
Historical dividend per share adjusted for the effect of capital changes and bonus shares, if any

Dividend History

Consolidated cash dividend Cash dividend per share (SAR) * The stock price at the beginning of the period (SAR) Return on the base price
Last 3 Financial years 2.93 33.64 8.71 %
Last 5 Financial years 2.93 19.55 14.98 %
Last 10 Financial years 2.93 19.24 15.22 %
Based on the beginning of the period (January 1 of the base year)

Historical Dividends

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0.05 0.18 %

Valuation Data (Latest Share Price)

P/E (TTM) 14.49
P/E Before Unusual Items (TTM) 14.49
P/BV 1.31
Dividend Yield -
Market Cap. (M) 1,422.75
Return on Average Assets 3.43 %
Return on Average Equity 9.11 %
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