Market maker average trading in TASI at 13%, Nomu 50%: Official

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Noelle Al-Jaweini, Chief of Cash Markets at the Saudi Exchange (Tadawul), said the average share of market maker trading in the Main Market (TASI) is approximately 13% and 50% in the Nomu-Parallel Market.


This success led to the expansion of the market-making model to include the debt instruments market, aiming to deepen the market and enhance liquidity, Al-Jaweini told Asharq News.


She added that the success of market maker in the stock market reflects the growing confidence of financial and investment institutions in the Kingdom.


More than 25 securities are traded in the Saudi market by the market maker that plays a vital role in increasing liquidity and enhancing the efficiency of quotes configuration.


The market activity has witnessed growth since the launch of the debt instruments market, as the latter saw significant transformations through a series of reforms in both regulatory frameworks and infrastructure, Al-Jaweini said.


She added that foreign investment in the debt instruments market soared more than 100% from 2022 to the end of 2024, and the number of individual investors surged by 490%. Trading activity grew by over 85%, and the number of transactions showed a significant rise.


The launch of the market-making model for the debt instruments market is a strategic step for Tadawul, the official said.


She added that the debt market is experiencing a notable increase in depth and liquidity, strengthening the financial market, supporting Vision 2030, and contributing to the Kingdom's ambitions of becoming a global financial hub.

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