Here’s a list of 2019 key projects in Saudi Arabia

10/12/2019 Argaam Special


Saudi Arabia has implemented a number of projects in 2019 in various sectors, including housing, transport and education.


In housing, a total of 33 projects were implemented to develop the infrastructure of 64 million square meters of land for residential projects.


In telecommunications, 60% of the Kingdom’s households were connected to fiber-optics networks. Also, the trial operations of the 5G services were launched.


For aviation, King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA) in Jeddah was inaugurated for the total cost of SAR 41 billion.


In the education sector, 583 school buildings were established in 2019. The Kingdom is planning to build 1738 new schools, representing 33% of the 2016-2020 five-year plan objectives.


Elsewhere, the Kingdom built 500 kilometer-long rainwater drainage systems.


In healthcare, Saudi Arabia planned to deliver a number of hospitals over five years (2016-2020), with five hospitals delivered in 2019 alone with a capacity of 1050 beds.


A desalination plant was built at a capacity of 450,000 cubic meters per day at a total cost of SAR 2.2 billion.


Additionally, an online portal for Umrah and Hajj services was launched, issuing about 150,000 visas in the pilot phase.

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