Overview of key goals of Roads General Authority

08/08/2022 Argaam
Riyadh city

Riyadh city

The Saudi Cabinet approved, on Aug. 2, the establishment of a “Roads General Authority”.


The Cabinet’s decision enhances the fulfillment of the Kingdom’s National Transport and Logistics Strategy and will enable the ministry to commit to its authorities in coordination with the other entities.


The new roads authority will have several goals; namely, preparing strategic road plans in coordination with other competent entities, supervising their implementation after approval and proposing the relevant draft bylaws.


The new authority will also be responsible for mapping out regulations and specifications for establishing roads, as well as preparing safety and environmental standards. In addition, it will be in charge of the other relevant operations, including planning, design, implementation and maintenance, licensing and technically investigating accidents, and coordinating with other entities to provide roads with necessary services.


The Roads General Authority will be further responsible for establishing training and research centers, conducting relevant studies and research on roads, organizing exhibitions and conferences about roads, and representing the Kingdom in the related international organizations.

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