Nazaha opens investigations into criminal cases

23/10/2022 Argaam
Nazaha headquarters

Nazaha headquarters

Saudi Arabia's Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha) has recently initiated investigations into 15 criminal cases, and legal procedures against the accused are underway, Saudi Press Agency reported.


Among the detainees was a CEO of a state-run company for misusing his position for personal gain.


An officer with the rank of brigadier general was arrested for obtaining SAR 450,000 from a company, in return for facilitating its contracting procedures with the Ministry of Interior. He also received SAR 12,000 from an expatriate, in return for issuing the necessary permits to allow him perform Hajj.


A municipality employee was arrested for preparing fake allocation documents for four residential land plots whose market value reaches SAR 10 million.


Moreover, a municipality employee was arrested for requesting SAR 1.5 million from a citizen to complete the procedures related to an irregular land expropriation transaction.


An expat working at a company was arrested for paying SAR 20,000 out of SAR 180,000, in return for receiving 30 qualification and accreditation certificates to drive heavy oil and gas equipment.


The authority will continue to apply the law, with zero-tolerance against corruption.

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