Details of arrangements for General Food Security Authority

28/01/2023 Argaam
Logo ofGeneral Food Security Authority (GFSA)


Logo of General Food Security Authority (GFSA)

The Umm Al-Qura Official Gazette published on Jan. 27 the organizational arrangements for the General Food Security Authority (GFSA).

GFSA has a public legal personality, as well as financial and administrative independence. 

Headquartered in Riyadh, the authority may establish, when necessary, branches or offices in the Kingdom. 

Furthermore, the authority aims to organize, develop and enhance food security, in a way that guarantees the protection of the vital interests of the state and its national security.  

GFSA has the authority to propose draft laws and related regulations, in addition to reviewing the food security strategy, as well as developing and updating it when necessary. It will also prepare an implementation plan, in coordination with the concerned authorities, and report the issues that require taking regular measures.

The authority will also coordinate with all parties concerned the organization of related efforts. It will provide an appropriate investment environment for the food sector to enhance the food security.

Moreover, GFSA will design an early warning system for food security. 

The Saudi Cabinet approved on Jan. 17 the rebranding of the Saudi Grains Organization (SAGO) to General Food Security Authority (GFSA), and endorsed its draft organizational arrangements, according to data available with Argaam.

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