Logo of Alistithmar AREIC Diversified REIT Fund
Alistithmar AREIC Diversified REIT Fund will start trading on the Saudi Exchange (Tadawul) in the REITs sector on Sept. 4, with the symbol 4350 and ISIN Code SA1620523V54.
The stock will trade with a daily price fluctuation of +/- 30% and +/- 10% static price fluctuation limits, Tadawul said in a statement.
These limits will be applied only during the first three days of listing. Starting from the fourth trading day, the daily price fluctuation will be reset to -/+ 10%, and the static limits will be cancelled.
Alistithmar AREIC Diversified REIT Fund’s initial public offering (IPO) ended on May 20, raising an amount of SAR 249.94 million, with the offer 135% covered, with a total of 18.5 million units offered at SAR 10 each, according to Argaam's data.
The Securities Depository Center Co. (Edaa) added, on Aug. 28, the fund's subscribed units to the accounts of eligible unitholders.
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