Bawan: Petronash Arabia gets SAR 832M purchase order from Aramco

10:33 AM (Mecca time) Argaam
Logo of Bawan Co.

Logo of Bawan Co.

Bawan Co. stated that Petronash Arabia Co. Ltd, a subsidiary of Petronash Holding Co., received a purchase order for an existing contract from Saudi Aramco to supply special gas well products for almost SAR 832 million.


This is the third purchase order linked to a long-term agreement with Saudi Aramco to supply special products for gas wells, Bawan said in a Tadawul statement.

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The delivery schedule for the purchase order starts from October 2025 to August 2026, the company said, adding that the positive impact will be reflected on the company’s results during in 2025 and 2026.


The deal does not include any related parties.


In October, Bawan signed an agreement with Petronash Global to acquire the entire stake of Petronash Holding at $175 million (nearly SAR 656 million), adjustable based on the company’s future results, as reported earlier by Argaam.


In December, Bawan received clearance from the General Authority for Competition (GAC) to complete the economic concentration for the acquisition.

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