Saudi Parts Center signs SAR 2.3M contract with Almarai

09:39 AM (Mecca time) Argaam
Logo ofSaudi Parts Center Co. (SPC)

Logo of Saudi Parts Center Co. (SPC) 

Saudi Parts Center Co. (SPC) announced a contract with Almarai Co. to allocate and reserve truck spare parts. The total contract value is SAR 2.57 million, covering the period from Feb. 1, 2025, to Jan. 31, 2026.


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According to a Tadawul statement, the contract involves inventory management for supplies over the next 12 months. Billing will occur monthly.


This agreement benefits both parties by strengthening their commercial ties and guaranteeing product availability for the company's operations. It also underscores the company's dedication to serving its customers and achieving its strategic objectives.


SPC projected a positive financial impact over the next 12 months, indicating that there are no related parties.

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