Trump calls for immediate closure of US Department of Education

10:01 AM (Mecca time) Argaam
Donald Trump,US President

Donald Trump, US President

President Donald Trump described the US Department of Education as a ‘con job’, stating that he reviewed a report revealing that the country ranks 40th globally in terms of education, yet holds the top position in terms of cost per student.


In remarks made to reporters from the Oval Office at the White House, Trump expressed his desire to shut down the Department of Education immediately.


He pointed out that the last time he checked the US' ranking in education, it was 38th, but when he reviewed it again two days ago, he found that it had fallen to 40th.


Trump drew a comparison between the state of education in the US and China, stating: "As big as it is, it’s ranked in the top five, and that’s our primary competitor”.


"So, if we’re ranked No. 40, that means something’s really wrong," he said.


Last week, Trump stated that he wished to close the Department of Education through an executive order, but acknowledged that he would need the approval of Congress and teachers' unions to fulfill his campaign promise to do so.


However, an immediate closure of the department would disrupt tens of billions of dollars in funding for primary and secondary schools, as well as educational assistance for university students.

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