Nearly 14,000 Saudis quit govt jobs over last 7 months

28/06/2015 Argaam

A total of 13,990 workers employed by Saudi ministries and government organizations left their posts between last November and May 2015, new statistics published by the kingdom’s ministry of civil services (MCS) revealed.


The majority of resignations came from the education sector with 5,339 teachers resigning, followed by government organizations which lost 5,112 employees.


In addition, eight judges submitted their resignations, while 2,025 employed by the Bureau of Investigation resigned.


More than 10,040 males left their jobs, compared to nearly 3,950 females during the seven-month period. Females accounted for 28 percent of total resignations.

Resignations, voluntary retirement, and terminations were the main reasons employees made an exit.

About 3,389 employees were hired to public sector positions during the period, MCS added. The ministry has also started receiving applications from female candidates for around 5,000 job vacancies through the Jadara program.

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