Financial Results : Shaker Group’s net profit drops 69% to SAR 137 mln in FY15

Shaker Group’s net profit drops 69% to SAR 137 mln in FY15

21/01/2016 Argaam Exclusive

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Al Hassan Ghazi Ibrahim Shaker Co. net profit plunged 68.75 percent year-on-year (YoY) to SAR 136.53 million in fiscal year (FY) 2015. The decline was mainly attributed to a non-recurring profit, recorded in 2014, after the re-evaluation of its property rights in LG Shaker.

Financials (M)

Item 2014 2015 Change‬
Revenues 1,556.66 1,886.53 21.2 %
Gross Income 386.02 434.86 12.7 %
Operating Income 110.24 91.45 (17.0 %)
Net Income 436.90 136.54 (68.7 %)
Average Shares 55.50 55.50 -
EPS (Riyals) 7.87 2.46 (68.7 %)


The company posted a net loss of SAR 17.84 million in Q415, a 10 percent YoY decline; and a 79 percent drop compared to Q315 due to an increase in costs and lower sales.

Current Quarter Comparison (M)

Compared With The
Item Q4 2014 Q4 2015 Change‬
Revenues 352.02 374.72 6.4 %
Gross Income 73.75 60.00 (18.6 %)
Operating Income (2.34) (22.24) (850.9 %)
Net Income (9.95) (17.84) (79.4 %)
Average Shares 55.50 55.50 -
EPS (Riyals) (0.18) (0.32) (79.4 %)

Financial results (Million)

Period Revenues Change Gross Income Change Operating Income Change
Q1 2006 - - - - - -
Q2 2006 - - - - - -
Q3 2006 - - - - - -
Q4 2006 - - - - - -
Q1 2007 - - - - - -
Q2 2007 - - - - - -
Q3 2007 - - - - - -
Q4 2007 - - - - - -
Q1 2008 - - - - - -
Q2 2008 - - - - - -
Q3 2008 - - - - - -
Q4 2008 - - - - - -
Q1 2009 - - - - - -
Q2 2009 - - - - - -
Q3 2009 295.04 - 107.56 - 64.25 -
Q4 2009 182.11 - 55.64 - 13.48 -
Q1 2010 224.35 - 69.71 - 30.85 -
Q2 2010 350.76 - 125.41 - 70.47 -
Q3 2010 336.54 14.1 % 108.56 0.9 % 52.52 (18.3 %)
Q4 2010 244.09 34.0 % 83.14 49.4 % 26.51 96.6 %
Q1 2011 323.04 44.0 % 94.51 35.6 % 39.86 29.2 %
Q2 2011 556.37 58.6 % 166.27 32.6 % 88.08 25.0 %
Q3 2011 413.68 22.9 % 130.54 20.2 % 65.92 25.5 %
Q4 2011 273.08 11.9 % 75.31 (9.4 %) 20.67 (22.0 %)
Q1 2012 375.87 16.4 % 114.07 20.7 % 51.83 30.0 %
Q2 2012 590.87 6.2 % 184.87 11.2 % 103.55 17.6 %
Q3 2012 455.98 10.2 % 138.15 5.8 % 72.29 9.7 %
Q4 2012 315.19 15.4 % 82.60 9.7 % 11.86 (42.6 %)
Q1 2013 458.30 21.9 % 147.64 29.4 % 74.17 43.1 %
Q2 2013 526.79 (10.8 %) 138.03 (25.3 %) 66.00 (36.3 %)
Q3 2013 393.82 (13.6 %) 92.95 (32.7 %) 25.23 (65.1 %)
Q4 2013 318.44 1.0 % 26.53 (67.9 %) (32.97) (377.9 %)
Q1 2014 312.18 (31.9 %) 70.03 (52.6 %) 14.41 (80.6 %)
Q2 2014 484.41 (8.0 %) 131.43 (4.8 %) 58.79 (10.9 %)
Q3 2014 408.05 3.6 % 110.81 19.2 % 39.38 56.1 %
Q4 2014 352.02 10.5 % 73.75 178.0 % (2.34) 92.9 %
Q1 2015 426.44 36.6 % 98.32 40.4 % 24.51 70.1 %
Q2 2015 643.25 32.8 % 160.77 22.3 % 61.59 4.8 %
Q3 2015 442.12 8.4 % 115.78 4.5 % 27.60 (29.9 %)
Q4 2015 374.72 6.4 % 60.00 (18.6 %) (22.24) (850.9 %)
2015 1,886.53 21.2 % 434.86 12.7 % 91.45 (17.0 %)

Profit Performance (Million)

Period Net Income Change EPS(Riyal) Extraordinary Income/Expense Net Profit Before Unusual Items EPS Before XO Items
Q1 2006 - - - - - -
Q2 2006 - - - - - -
Q3 2006 - - - - - -
Q4 2006 - - - - - -
Q1 2007 - - - - - -
Q2 2007 - - - - - -
Q3 2007 - - - - - -
Q4 2007 - - - - - -
Q1 2008 - - - - - -
Q2 2008 - - - - - -
Q3 2008 - - - - - -
Q4 2008 - - - - - -
Q1 2009 - - - - - -
Q2 2009 - - - - - -
Q3 2009 53.86 - 0.97 - 53.86 0.97
Q4 2009 11.66 - 0.21 - 11.66 0.21
Q1 2010 19.29 - 0.35 - 19.29 0.35
Q2 2010 58.33 - 1.05 - 58.33 1.05
Q3 2010 46.57 (13.5 %) 0.84 - 46.57 0.84
Q4 2010 21.04 80.5 % 0.38 - 21.04 0.38
Q1 2011 33.61 74.2 % 0.61 - 33.61 0.61
Q2 2011 73.63 26.2 % 1.33 - 73.63 1.33
Q3 2011 54.98 18.0 % 0.99 - 54.98 0.99
Q4 2011 18.00 (14.5 %) 0.32 - 18.00 0.32
Q1 2012 40.03 19.1 % 0.72 - 40.03 0.72
Q2 2012 82.96 12.7 % 1.49 - 82.96 1.49
Q3 2012 58.41 6.2 % 1.05 - 58.41 1.05
Q4 2012 6.24 (65.3 %) 0.11 - 6.24 0.11
Q1 2013 49.79 24.4 % 0.90 - 49.79 0.90
Q2 2013 74.94 (9.7 %) 1.35 35.09 39.85 0.72
Q3 2013 31.35 (46.3 %) 0.56 11.34 20.00 0.36
Q4 2013 (30.98) (596.3 %) (0.56) 13.47 (44.45) (0.80)
Q1 2014 20.62 (58.6 %) 0.37 28.31 (7.70) (0.14)
Q2 2014 382.45 410.4 % 6.89 350.75 31.70 0.57
Q3 2014 43.78 39.7 % 0.79 - 43.78 0.79
Q4 2014 (9.95) 67.9 % (0.18) (18.50) 8.55 0.15
Q1 2015 26.16 26.9 % 0.47 (0.86) 27.01 0.49
Q2 2015 82.01 (78.6 %) 1.48 - 82.01 1.48
Q3 2015 46.22 5.6 % 0.83 - 46.22 0.83
Q4 2015 (17.84) (79.4 %) (0.32) - (17.84) (0.32)
2015 136.54 (68.7 %) 2.46 (0.86) 137.39 2.48


Period Gross Margin OIBDA Margin Net Margin Before Unusual Items
Q1 2006 - - -
Q2 2006 - - -
Q3 2006 - - -
Q4 2006 - - -
Q1 2007 - - -
Q2 2007 - - -
Q3 2007 - - -
Q4 2007 - - -
Q1 2008 - - -
Q2 2008 - - -
Q3 2008 - - -
Q4 2008 - - -
Q1 2009 - - -
Q2 2009 - - -
Q3 2009 - - -
Q4 2009 - - -
Q1 2010 - - -
Q2 2010 34.05 % 18.02 % 13.60 %
Q3 2010 32.85 % 16.68 % 12.42 %
Q4 2010 33.47 % 17.08 % 12.57 %
Q1 2011 32.81 % 16.63 % 12.72 %
Q2 2011 30.99 % 15.60 % 11.98 %
Q3 2011 30.87 % 15.80 % 11.92 %
Q4 2011 29.79 % 15.28 % 11.51 %
Q1 2012 30.03 % 15.61 % 11.53 %
Q2 2012 30.53 % 16.33 % 11.85 %
Q3 2012 30.22 % 16.41 % 11.76 %
Q4 2012 29.90 % 15.56 % 10.80 %
Q1 2013 30.39 % 16.12 % 10.84 %
Q2 2013 28.83 % 14.07 % 8.79 %
Q3 2013 27.22 % 11.54 % 6.84 %
Q4 2013 23.87 % 8.62 % 3.84 %
Q1 2014 21.12 % 5.30 % 0.50 %
Q2 2014 21.27 % 5.27 % (0.03 %)
Q3 2014 22.24 % 6.12 % 1.53 %
Q4 2014 24.80 % 7.85 % 4.90 %
Q1 2015 24.80 % 7.89 % 6.65 %
Q2 2015 24.25 % 7.33 % 8.82 %
Q3 2015 24.07 % 6.57 % 8.79 %
Q4 2015 23.05 % 5.56 % 7.28 %
2015 23.05 % 5.56 % 7.28 %

Per Share Data (Riyal)

Compared With The
Period Shares Outstanding (M) EPS (Riyal) Adjusted EPS (Riyal) Book Value (BV)
Q1 2006 - - - -
Q2 2006 - - - -
Q3 2006 - - - -
Q4 2006 - - - -
Q1 2007 - - - -
Q2 2007 - - - -
Q3 2007 - - - -
Q4 2007 - - - -
Q1 2008 - - - -
Q2 2008 - - - -
Q3 2008 - - - -
Q4 2008 - - - -
Q1 2009 - - - -
Q2 2009 - - - -
Q3 2009 55.50 - - 6.69
Q4 2009 55.50 - - 6.90
Q1 2010 55.50 - - 7.25
Q2 2010 55.50 2.58 2.58 8.30
Q3 2010 55.50 2.45 2.45 9.14
Q4 2010 55.50 2.62 2.62 7.62
Q1 2011 55.50 2.87 2.87 8.23
Q2 2011 55.50 3.15 3.15 9.56
Q3 2011 55.50 3.30 3.30 10.55
Q4 2011 55.50 3.25 3.25 8.66
Q1 2012 55.50 3.36 3.36 9.38
Q2 2012 55.50 3.53 3.53 10.88
Q3 2012 55.50 3.59 3.59 11.93
Q4 2012 55.50 3.38 3.38 9.52
Q1 2013 55.50 3.56 3.56 10.42
Q2 2013 55.50 3.41 2.78 11.77
Q3 2013 55.50 2.92 2.09 12.33
Q4 2013 55.50 2.25 1.17 11.78
Q1 2014 55.50 1.73 0.14 12.15
Q2 2014 55.50 7.27 (0.01) 17.46
Q3 2014 55.50 7.49 0.42 18.25
Q4 2014 55.50 7.87 1.38 16.49
Q1 2015 55.50 7.97 2.00 16.78
Q2 2015 55.50 2.56 2.91 18.44
Q3 2015 55.50 2.60 2.95 19.28
Q4 2015 55.50 2.46 2.48 18.95

Multiple Ratios (End of Period Price)

Compared With The
Period P/E Adjusted P/E Price/book
Q1 2006 - - -
Q2 2006 - - -
Q3 2006 - - -
Q4 2006 - - -
Q1 2007 - - -
Q2 2007 - - -
Q3 2007 - - -
Q4 2007 - - -
Q1 2008 - - -
Q2 2008 - - -
Q3 2008 - - -
Q4 2008 - - -
Q1 2009 - - -
Q2 2009 - - -
Q3 2009 - - -
Q4 2009 - - -
Q1 2010 - - -
Q2 2010 14.18 14.18 4.41
Q3 2010 17.91 17.91 4.80
Q4 2010 14.64 14.64 5.03
Q1 2011 11.79 11.79 4.12
Q2 2011 13.47 13.47 4.44
Q3 2011 12.23 12.23 3.83
Q4 2011 11.90 11.90 4.46
Q1 2012 13.08 13.08 4.69
Q2 2012 12.77 12.77 4.15
Q3 2012 12.20 12.20 3.67
Q4 2012 12.04 12.04 4.27
Q1 2013 12.50 12.50 4.27
Q2 2013 14.97 18.38 4.34
Q3 2013 17.47 24.47 4.14
Q4 2013 19.52 37.45 3.74
Q1 2014 30.20 More than 100 4.30
Q2 2014 6.61 NEG 2.75
Q3 2014 7.36 More than 100 3.02
Q4 2014 4.80 27.44 2.29
Q1 2015 6.26 24.94 2.97
Q2 2015 18.47 16.25 2.56
Q3 2015 14.86 13.10 2.01
Q4 2015 13.07 12.99 1.70

Business Segments (Million)

Compared With The
Period LG Air Conditioners and Home Appliances Conditioners and products from the non-LG production
Q1 2010 178.77 45.58
Q2 2010 298.73 52.03
Q3 2010 277.14 59.40
Q4 2010 200.83 43.26
Q1 2011 269.90 53.13
Q2 2011 468.10 88.27
Q3 2011 344.15 69.53
Q4 2011 215.53 57.56
Q1 2012 291.10 84.77
Q2 2012 499.14 91.73
Q3 2012 375.26 80.72
Q4 2012 247.69 67.51
Q1 2013 379.58 78.72
Q2 2013 355.32 109.30
Q3 2013 314.42 79.40
Q4 2013 240.71 77.73
Q1 2014 246.01 66.17
Q2 2014 417.85 66.56
Q3 2014 348.47 59.58
Q4 2014 117.32 234.71
Q1 2015 341.04 85.39
Q2 2015 523.13 120.12
Q3 2015 359.40 82.73
Q4 2015 278.73 95.99

Analysts Estimates (Million)

Item Q4 2015 (e) Q4 2015 (a) Change‬
Average 14.16 (17.84) (226.0 %)

Estimates vs Actual (Million)

Item Q4 2015 (e) Q4 2015 (a) Change
SNB Capital 20.30 (17.84) (187.9) %
OSOOL AND BAKHEET 12.60 (17.84) (241.6) %
AlJazira Capital 9.59 (17.84) (286.0) %

Market Cap (M Riyal) 1,628.93
Enterprise Value (EV) (M) 1,874.90
Shares Outstanding ((M)) 55.50
EPS ( Riyal) (TTM) 1.27
Book Value (BV) ( Riyal) 14.12
Par Value ( Riyal) 10.00
Adjusted P/E (Last12) 23.13
P/E (TTM) 23.13
Price/book 2.08
Return on Average Assets (%) (TTM) 4.2
Return on Average Equity (%) (TTM) 9.4

Share Price

Al Hassan Ghazi Ibrahim Shaker Co. (SHAKER)

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