GO cuts losses by 71% in FY 2017

27/06/2019 Argaam Exclusive

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Etihad Atheeb Telecommunication Co. (GO) trimmed net losses by 71.8 percent year-on-year (YoY) to SAR 36.7 million for the fiscal year ending on Mar. 31, 2018, backed by gross profit, and revenue along with a decline in operating expenses. 


A drop of SAR 50.8 million in amortization and depreciation costs as well as higher other income also bolstered the annual profit.

Financials (M)

Item 2016 2017 Change‬
Revenues 421.75 479.82 13.8 %
Gross Income 78.62 90.94 15.7 %
Operating Income (222.73) (198.20) 11.0 %
Net Income (125.27) (40.26) 67.9 %
Average Shares 29.62 29.62 0.0 %
EPS (Riyals) (4.23) (1.36) 67.9 %

In Q4, GO incurred a net loss of SAR 29.4 million.


The telecom operator has earlier expected to disclose its annual financial results for the period ending on March 31, 2019 by June 30, Argaam reported.


The Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) has suspended trading on the stock, since July 1, 2018.

Current Quarter Comparison (M)

Compared With The
Item Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Change‬
Revenues 129.10 106.56 (17.5 %)
Gross Income 29.74 26.07 (12.3 %)
Operating Income (47.83) (62.20) (30.0 %)
Net Income (26.53) (32.97) (24.3 %)
Average Shares 29.62 29.62 0.0 %
EPS (Riyals) (0.90) (1.11) (24.3 %)

Financial results (Million)

Period Revenues Change Gross Income Change Operating Income Change
Q1 2008 - - - - - -
Q2 2008 - - - - - -
Q3 2008 - - - - - -
Q4 2008 - - - - - -
Q1 2009 - - - - (38.52) -
Q2 2009 - - - - (47.52) -
Q3 2009 - - (2.10) - (66.77) -
Q4 2009 35.44 - (47.41) - (226.30) -
Q1 2010 42.23 - (38.63) - (155.10) (302.6 %)
Q2 2010 46.81 - (35.29) - (138.08) (190.6 %)
Q3 2010 48.15 - (33.09) (1,475.9 %) (135.00) (102.2 %)
Q4 2010 49.38 39.3 % (16.21) 65.8 % (112.77) 50.2 %
Q1 2011 60.27 42.7 % 0.32 100.8 % (89.49) 42.3 %
Q2 2011 58.39 24.7 % 3.62 110.3 % (77.82) 43.6 %
Q3 2011 61.32 27.4 % 12.59 138.1 % (74.05) 45.1 %
Q4 2011 66.92 35.5 % 19.69 221.4 % (61.09) 45.8 %
Q1 2012 68.58 13.8 % 11.02 3321.4 % (77.36) 13.6 %
Q2 2012 67.84 16.2 % 12.71 250.9 % (78.19) (0.5 %)
Q3 2012 69.65 13.6 % 12.68 0.7 % (82.47) (11.4 %)
Q4 2012 60.43 (9.7 %) 13.41 (31.9 %) (35.11) 42.5 %
Q1 2013 58.09 (15.3 %) 9.96 (9.6 %) (67.85) 12.3 %
Q2 2013 54.99 (18.9 %) 10.47 (17.6 %) (60.12) 23.1 %
Q3 2013 63.76 (8.5 %) 7.89 (37.8 %) (67.24) 18.5 %
Q4 2013 57.70 (4.5 %) 4.12 (69.3 %) (73.86) (110.4 %)
Q1 2014 61.99 6.7 % 6.16 (38.2 %) (69.97) (3.1 %)
Q2 2014 51.21 (6.9 %) 4.24 (59.5 %) (78.43) (30.5 %)
Q3 2014 60.48 (5.1 %) 8.79 11.5 % (80.18) (19.2 %)
Q4 2014 73.43 27.3 % 10.01 143.2 % (63.99) 13.4 %
Q1 2015 83.33 34.4 % 9.71 57.7 % (72.05) (3.0 %)
Q2 2015 76.05 48.5 % 9.17 116.4 % (71.51) 8.8 %
Q3 2015 86.75 43.4 % 4.49 (48.9 %) (74.99) 6.5 %
Q4 2015 96.90 32.0 % 8.81 (12.1 %) (70.92) (10.8 %)
Q1 2016 89.99 8.0 % 8.84 (8.9 %) (62.19) 13.7 %
Q2 2016 86.30 13.5 % 12.19 32.9 % (59.51) 16.8 %
Q3 2016 116.36 34.1 % 27.85 519.8 % (53.20) 29.1 %
Q4 2016 129.10 33.2 % 29.74 237.7 % (47.83) 32.6 %
Q1 2017 136.03 51.2 % 25.08 183.5 % (51.26) 17.6 %
Q2 2017 126.45 46.5 % 22.71 86.3 % (41.44) 30.4 %
Q3 2017 110.79 (4.8 %) 17.08 (38.7 %) (43.32) 18.6 %
Q4 2017 106.56 (17.5 %) 26.07 (12.3 %) (62.20) (30.0 %)
2017 479.82 13.8 % 90.94 15.7 % (198.20) 11.0 %

Profit Performance (Million)

Period Net Income Change EPS(Riyal) Extraordinary Income/Expense Net Profit Before Unusual Items EPS Before XO Items
Q1 2008 - - - - - -
Q2 2008 - - - - - -
Q3 2008 - - - - - -
Q4 2008 - - - - - -
Q1 2009 (33.80) - (5.47) - (33.80) (5.47)
Q2 2009 (47.60) - (7.70) - (47.60) (7.70)
Q3 2009 (66.85) - (10.81) - (66.85) (10.81)
Q4 2009 (230.80) - (37.32) - (230.80) (37.32)
Q1 2010 (160.81) (375.8 %) (26.00) - (160.81) (26.00)
Q2 2010 (146.35) (207.5 %) (23.67) - (146.35) (23.67)
Q3 2010 (145.88) (118.2 %) (23.59) - (145.88) (23.59)
Q4 2010 (122.10) 47.1 % (19.75) - (122.10) (19.75)
Q1 2011 (98.81) 38.6 % (15.98) - (98.81) (15.98)
Q2 2011 (85.39) 41.7 % (13.81) - (85.39) (13.81)
Q3 2011 205.96 241.2 % 33.31 287.86 (81.90) (13.24)
Q4 2011 (68.23) 44.1 % (11.03) - (68.23) (11.03)
Q1 2012 (79.42) 19.6 % (2.68) - (79.42) (2.68)
Q2 2012 (78.91) 7.6 % (2.66) - (78.91) (2.66)
Q3 2012 (84.41) (141.0 %) (2.85) - (84.41) (2.85)
Q4 2012 (36.35) 46.7 % (1.23) - (36.35) (1.23)
Q1 2013 (68.97) 13.2 % (2.33) - (68.97) (2.33)
Q2 2013 (43.25) 45.2 % (1.46) 18.53 (61.78) (2.09)
Q3 2013 (67.60) 19.9 % (2.28) - (67.60) (2.28)
Q4 2013 (69.46) (91.1 %) (2.34) - (69.46) (2.34)
Q1 2014 60.43 187.6 % 2.04 130.40 (69.97) (2.36)
Q2 2014 (35.28) 18.4 % (1.19) 32.10 (67.38) (2.27)
Q3 2014 (47.67) 29.5 % (1.61) 31.50 (79.17) (2.67)
Q4 2014 (33.73) 51.4 % (1.14) 46.94 (80.67) (2.72)
Q1 2015 (40.16) (166.4 %) (1.36) 33.12 (73.28) (2.47)
Q2 2015 3.57 110.1 % 0.12 76.25 (72.68) (2.45)
Q3 2015 (48.87) (2.5 %) (1.65) 27.25 (76.12) (2.57)
Q4 2015 (62.64) (85.7 %) (2.11) 9.25 (71.89) (2.43)
Q1 2016 (58.11) (44.7 %) (1.96) 7.17 (65.27) (2.20)
Q2 2016 15.36 329.8 % 0.52 77.77 (62.42) (2.11)
Q3 2016 (55.99) (14.6 %) (1.89) 2.00 (57.99) (1.96)
Q4 2016 (26.53) 57.6 % (0.90) 24.00 (50.53) (1.71)
Q1 2017 55.42 195.4 % 1.87 97.92 (42.50) (1.43)
Q2 2017 (29.81) (294.1 %) (1.01) - (29.81) (1.01)
Q3 2017 (32.90) 41.2 % (1.11) - (32.90) (1.11)
Q4 2017 (32.97) (24.3 %) (1.11) - (32.97) (1.11)
2017 (40.26) 67.9 % (1.36) 97.92 (138.18) (4.66)


Period Gross Margin OIBDA Margin Net Margin Before Unusual Items
Q1 2008 - - -
Q2 2008 - - -
Q3 2008 - - -
Q4 2008 - - -
Q1 2009 - - -
Q2 2009 - - -
Q3 2009 - - -
Q4 2009 - - -
Q1 2010 - - -
Q2 2010 - - -
Q3 2010 (89.45 %) (255.37 %) (396.11 %)
Q4 2010 (66.05 %) (172.87 %) (308.27 %)
Q1 2011 (41.19 %) (123.81 %) (250.80 %)
Q2 2011 (20.98 %) (88.36 %) (209.16 %)
Q3 2011 0.14 % (58.26 %) (169.25 %)
Q4 2011 14.67 % (37.34 %) (135.41 %)
Q1 2012 18.38 % (31.27 %) (123.40 %)
Q2 2012 21.16 % (30.03 %) (116.55 %)
Q3 2012 20.55 % (29.94 %) (113.92 %)
Q4 2012 18.69 % (31.24 %) (104.73 %)
Q1 2013 19.05 % (31.39 %) (104.93 %)
Q2 2013 19.13 % (28.40 %) (103.43 %)
Q3 2013 17.59 % (25.77 %) (98.92 %)
Q4 2013 13.83 % (28.77 %) (114.18 %)
Q1 2014 12.01 % (28.98 %) (112.74 %)
Q2 2014 9.55 % (36.85 %) (116.94 %)
Q3 2014 10.07 % (43.48 %) (123.60 %)
Q4 2014 11.82 % (38.11 %) (120.27 %)
Q1 2015 12.20 % (37.20 %) (111.94 %)
Q2 2015 12.85 % (33.11 %) (104.27 %)
Q3 2015 10.45 % (29.51 %) (94.74 %)
Q4 2015 9.38 % (29.50 %) (85.70 %)
Q1 2016 8.96 % (28.58 %) (81.77 %)
Q2 2016 9.54 % (26.71 %) (76.60 %)
Q3 2016 14.81 % (21.09 %) (66.12 %)
Q4 2016 18.64 % (19.19 %) (56.01 %)
Q1 2017 20.28 % (17.87 %) (45.63 %)
Q2 2017 20.75 % (16.14 %) (35.60 %)
Q3 2017 18.83 % (17.80 %) (31.00 %)
Q4 2017 18.95 % (22.34 %) (28.80 %)
2017 18.95 % (22.34 %) (28.80 %)

Per Share Data (Riyal)

Compared With The
Period Shares Outstanding (M) EPS (Riyal) Adjusted EPS (Riyal) Book Value (BV)
Q1 2008 - - - -
Q2 2008 - - - -
Q3 2008 - - - -
Q4 2008 - - - -
Q1 2009 6.18 - - 146.90
Q2 2009 6.18 - - 139.20
Q3 2009 6.18 - - 128.39
Q4 2009 6.18 (61.30) (61.30) 100.43
Q1 2010 6.18 (81.84) (81.84) 74.42
Q2 2010 6.18 (97.80) (97.80) 50.75
Q3 2010 6.18 (110.59) (110.59) 27.16
Q4 2010 6.18 (93.01) (93.01) 7.41
Q1 2011 6.18 (82.98) (82.98) (8.57)
Q2 2011 6.18 (73.12) (73.12) (22.38)
Q3 2011 6.18 (16.23) (62.78) 10.93
Q4 2011 6.18 (7.51) (54.06) (0.10)
Q1 2012 29.62 (0.91) (10.63) 36.96
Q2 2012 29.62 (0.70) (10.41) 34.30
Q3 2012 29.62 (10.50) (10.50) 31.45
Q4 2012 29.62 (9.42) (9.42) 31.60
Q1 2013 29.62 (9.07) (9.07) 29.27
Q2 2013 29.62 (7.86) (8.49) 27.81
Q3 2013 29.62 (7.30) (7.92) 25.53
Q4 2013 29.62 (8.41) (9.04) 23.18
Q1 2014 29.62 (4.05) (9.07) 25.22
Q2 2014 29.62 (3.78) (9.26) 24.03
Q3 2014 29.62 (3.10) (9.65) 22.42
Q4 2014 29.62 (1.90) (10.03) 21.27
Q1 2015 29.62 (5.29) (10.14) 19.91
Q2 2015 29.62 (3.98) (10.32) 20.01
Q3 2015 29.62 (4.02) (10.22) 18.35
Q4 2015 29.62 (5.00) (9.92) 16.19
Q1 2016 29.62 (5.61) (9.65) 13.09
Q2 2016 29.62 (5.21) (9.31) 13.61
Q3 2016 29.62 (5.45) (8.69) 11.72
Q4 2016 29.62 (4.23) (7.97) 10.82
Q1 2017 29.62 (0.40) (7.20) 12.69
Q2 2017 29.62 (1.92) (6.10) 11.69
Q3 2017 29.62 (1.14) (5.26) 10.58
Q4 2017 29.62 (1.36) (4.66) 9.59

Multiple Ratios (End of Period Price)

Compared With The
Period P/E Adjusted P/E Price/book
Q1 2008 - - -
Q2 2008 - - -
Q3 2008 - - -
Q4 2008 - - -
Q1 2009 - - 4.50
Q2 2009 - - 5.79
Q3 2009 - - 6.53
Q4 2009 NEG NEG 7.49
Q1 2010 NEG NEG 10.86
Q2 2010 NEG NEG 13.68
Q3 2010 NEG NEG 25.91
Q4 2010 NEG NEG 95.88
Q1 2011 NEG NEG (36.99)
Q2 2011 NEG NEG (16.14)
Q3 2011 NEG NEG 33.03
Q4 2011 NEG NEG (3511.00)
Q1 2012 NEG NEG 3.58
Q2 2012 NEG NEG 2.50
Q3 2012 NEG NEG 2.60
Q4 2012 NEG NEG 2.46
Q1 2013 NEG NEG 2.59
Q2 2013 NEG NEG 3.43
Q3 2013 NEG NEG 3.38
Q4 2013 NEG NEG 3.78
Q1 2014 NEG NEG 4.11
Q2 2014 NEG NEG 3.27
Q3 2014 NEG NEG 3.04
Q4 2014 NEG NEG 1.93
Q1 2015 NEG NEG 1.96
Q2 2015 NEG NEG 2.00
Q3 2015 NEG NEG 1.74
Q4 2015 NEG NEG 2.05
Q1 2016 NEG NEG 1.86
Q2 2016 NEG NEG 1.75
Q3 2016 NEG NEG 1.48
Q4 2016 NEG NEG 1.66
Q1 2017 NEG NEG 1.93
Q2 2017 NEG NEG 1.75
Q3 2017 NEG NEG 1.83
Q4 2017 NEG NEG 1.86

Business Segments (Million)

Compared With The
Period Data sector Voice services
Q3 2013 41.86 21.89
Q4 2013 40.03 17.68
Q1 2014 38.61 23.37
Q2 2014 36.49 14.72
Q3 2014 34.52 25.96
Q4 2014 36.03 37.40
Q1 2015 36.92 46.41
Q2 2015 35.85 40.21
Q3 2015 39.98 46.77
Q4 2015 43.21 53.69
Q1 2016 48.58 41.41
Q2 2016 52.30 34.00
Q3 2016 73.28 43.08
Q4 2016 89.70 39.40
Q1 2017 90.22 45.80
Q2 2017 83.70 42.76
Q3 2017 81.62 29.17
Q4 2017 83.18 23.38

Market Cap (M Riyal) 2,984.32
Enterprise Value (EV) (M) 2,519.03
Shares Outstanding ((M)) 33.99
EPS ( Riyal) (TTM) 5.55
Book Value (BV) ( Riyal) 17.81
Par Value ( Riyal) 10.00
Adjusted P/E (Last12) 19.46
P/E (TTM) 15.81
Price/book 4.93
Return on Average Assets (%) (TTM) 16.1
Return on Average Equity (%) (TTM) 48.8

Share Price

Etihad Atheeb Telecommunication Co. (ATHEEB TELECOM)

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